Step 3: Be Smart
Here’s why I wanted to spend that $10.50…
I have a TD First Class Visa. It comes with the following points structure:
The top one is a return of 1.5% on my flight, for booking with Air Canada.
The bottom one is a return of 4.5% on my flight, for booking with Expedia.
That means that buying the tickets from Air Canada would actually have cost me $624.94 [634.46-1.5%].
The second pair? $615.94 [$644.96-4.5%]
So, by “spending” an extra $10.50, I actually saved myself $9.00.
There’s more to this story…
Tennille says
That’s and awesome deal! My mom is currently living in Colorado flies back to Michigan to see my boys and I every few months. I’m going to have to remember this the next time she goes looking for tickets. Maybe she can find a great deal too!
By the way, you totally deserve a pat on the back for not buying those pie plates!
Tennille recently posted…Bing Rewards Review & How It Can Easily Earn You Swagbucks
Jayson @ Monster Piggy Bank says
I am very much impressed with your $100/hour! I wish I could get a similar one like yours. I gotta research more to get mine and so that I can maximize my chances!
Jayson @ Monster Piggy Bank recently posted…Goal Setting – What are you waiting for?
Brock @CleverDude says
That’s some savvy shopping! I fertilize my own lawn during the summer months, and could purchase the different applications separately at the time I need them. But I bought all three at once in the spring because they were offering them as a package deal. I spent more upfront, but saved money in the long run.
Brock @CleverDude recently posted…Life Is Just A Game Of Tetris
Anne says
Perfect… and it was a smart move for the retailer, too. They got money up front and moved their inventory more quickly.
DC @ Young Adult Money says
Nice! $100/hour is a pretty good payout 😉 I love little things like this that pay out big time. When I first read the title of this post I immediately thought of a college degree. Everyone who spends money for a college degree is spending to MAKE money.
DC @ Young Adult Money recently posted…Why You Might Want to Open Your “Junk” Mail
Anne says
Great idea for a future post!! 🙂
Jen @ Save to Splurge says
Great job, Anne! I love it when putting in a bit of extra time for airfare hunting pays off. (That slider is nifty!)
Jen @ Save to Splurge recently posted…Talking to Your Spouse About Money – 4 Money Languages
Anne says
I love it when it only takes a minute or two to pull off, too!
Petrish @ Debt Free Martini says
See that is awesome for people like me who would never take the time to do the research. It is good to be reminded that sometimes you have to slow down and look at all your options.
Petrish @ Debt Free Martini recently posted…Breaking Up With Starbucks and Dining Out…..Again?
Anne says
I like this one mostly for the small amount of time that it takes, just a matter of looking at three websites instead of two!
Sarah says
Nicely done! We rarely travel by plane, but when we do I let my husband handle all that. I would just purchase the tickets and be done with it, but he very good at shopping around and getting us the lowest price.
Sarah recently posted…No Eat Out January
Anne says
Nice. I let my spouse do all the shopping and researching for sports gear… I do not have the patience to figure out which thing we should buy and why. I just nod and smile when I’m told “these are the new skis you should buy.”
Anne recently posted…The Benefits of Hiring a Liberal Arts Graduate
Melissa @ Sunburnt Saver says
Whoa, that’s awesome! Just by taking a couple extra minutes to do the math, you actually saved yourself money, got a trip, and wrote an awesome post about it. I am giving you a virtual pat on the back! (Also, no shame, but I occasionally high five myself when I save money. Usually in the privacy of my own home, but I’d do it in public ;))
Melissa @ Sunburnt Saver recently posted…Weekly Update
Anne says
I’m picturing myself giving myself a high five while standing in the middle of the grocery store right now, hahaha.
Anne recently posted…The Benefits of Hiring a Liberal Arts Graduate
kay ~ says
That was awesome! Nice work, Anne! And, nice job explaining it! Loved the slide show action! 😀 I can’t think of any time I spent money to save money, but I’ll be watching for ways to now! 🙂
kay ~ recently posted…1 January 2015: Today I Am A Man!
Anne says
I bet you can think of ways! Glad you like the slideshow 🙂
Anne recently posted…The Benefits of Hiring a Liberal Arts Graduate
Amanda @ My Life, I Guess says
Yay for maths!
The closest thing that I can think of is when you add one more item to your online shopping cart in order to qualify for free shipping. That counts, right?
P.S. Love the “slide-show” format 🙂
Amanda @ My Life, I Guess recently posted…How I Spent Nothing This Christmas
Anne says
I add things that way all the time. The shipping for my MIL’s Christmas present was going to be $15, or free if I spent $12 more. I now have a healthy supply of mini muffin liners and a muddling stick for the bar.
Anne recently posted…The Benefits of Hiring a Liberal Arts Graduate