How familiar does this scenario sound? You check your bank account and see your direct deposit from your job just came through. Your excitement lasts for about two minutes before you realize the entire paycheck will be gone within a couple of weeks after paying for your bills and expenses. Over half of Americans live […]
Change Your Life in 2016. Here’s How
Have you ever tipped less than 10%? I’m not talking about takeout, that’s a different story. I’m talking about a restaurant experience — where you walk in, order something to eat, enjoy endless refills of water and bread, have a lovely time, and leave a few hours later. Of course you haven’t. You’re not a […]
Money Lessons from the Little Couple
One of my favourite shows is The Little Couple. Especially since Jen Arnold and Bill Klein adopted their two adorable children – Will and Zoey, I can’t get enough of this family. If you’ve never seen the show before, it chronicles, in a reality style format, the life of a married couple who are little […]
Make Your Year Remarkable (+ What It’s Like to Launch a Kickstarter)
Today I have an interview with Kathleen, of various online hustling fame. She is behind Frugal Portland, For Profit Blogging, Stacking Benjamins and several other projects. I am in love with her latest project, and I bet you will be too, called The Remarkable Year, which is currently live on Kickstarter. Tell us the […]
My Car Tune Up Frugal Fail
As you may know, if you follow me on twitter (all the cool kids are doing it), I live in a small town. It has its pros and cons, which I know I will write about one day. One of the cons is that some services are far, far away. We bought a diesel Jetta […]
The Day I Found $3,600
Earlier this year, I found $3,600. Not too shabby, eh? The story of how I found it is kind of fun, and it’s not every day you get to say “I found $3,600.” My spouse and I have almost entirely combined finances. I still have some accounts at another bank, though, for a few different […]
An Airbnb Host Experience: Tips & Thoughts from Toronto
Today I have the pleasure of interviewing a good friend of mine from university, Adam. Adam and his spouse have now been renting out their place in Toronto for a few months and are happy to divulge some Airbnb host experiences and tips with us. This is a fantastic addition to our series on […]
3 Financial Mistakes We All Make
Everyone makes mistakes – especially when it comes to our finances. We all have our own struggles with money, but some are a lot harder to overcome than others. The important thing is that we learn from these mistakes so that we don’t repeat them – or better yet, never make them in the first […]
“We’re a Staple Company”
One of the big bosses at my day job came from a different industry. The industry that he left is one with which I am rather familiar, and it has been in a state of very tight economics for coming up on two decades. The industry that I am in is rather cyclical, and we […]
Side Hustle Ideas for Vayable
Last week I told y’all about Vayable, my new favourite place to check out before going on a trip. One of the most intriguing things about Vayable, for me, is the MASSIVE side hustle potential it represents. It is also a brilliant way to market a tourism-friendly business. Let’s take a look at how you […]