Have you ever considered ripping apart your whole house? Not a rage induced destruction path, but a planned out, on purpose ripping apart of your whole home. A renovation. The cost-conscious of us have probably wondered if it’s possible to continue to live in the middle of a construction zone, whether it’s because we don’t […]
Three Very Different Cases of Premium Rates in the Great Lakes Region
Auto insurance isn’t entirely the same from state to state. While the basic idea of coverage is continuous, every state demands something a little different. The important thing to know is which states have the highest and lowest rates so you can be aware of what an average car insurance premium should be. Michigan As […]
How to Choose the Right Financial Adviser
There is so much information and financial advice out there, that it can be difficult to narrow down your choices when you are looking for a financial adviser. This may cause some people to put off finding someone who can help them with taxes, retirement and saving for their kids’ college, but time is definitely […]
8 Reasons to Visit Canberra
Have you ever taken a trip to Australia? I spent six weeks there during university. It was fantastic, that’s for sure, but there is one thing about Australia that makes it a difficult destination. It’s BIG. As such, there are a lot of decisions to be made about where you go and what you do. […]
5 Ways I Get Myself Out the Door Quickly in the Morning
Every single day we spend time getting ourselves ready and prepared to head out into the world, everything from grabbing our keys to getting dressed, to putting on shoes and winter gear. Time management is important for so many reasons and let’s be real here, in the morning it’s mostly to enjoy more sleep. I […]
Woken Up By A Fire
Believe it or not, I was planning to write a post here today. Finally, I know it’s been ages. However, today got off to quite an odd start. I don’t even remember what I was planning to write unfortunately. This morning I was woken up by a fire. I didn’t have to work today, so […]
Getting Over My Mental Block of Being Too Cheap
Lately, I have been thinking a lot about times where cheaping out has caught up to me, or how life would be better if I wasn’t being too cheap. Places where frugal = frustrated. One fantastic example is the computer that I am using to type this post on. I regret this purchase. It turns […]
The Top 3 benefits of being able to trade Forex while on the Move
Which came first, the chicken or the egg? This is a question that has been asked throughout the age, and the same principle can be applied to the rise of freelancing and remote working in today’s market. While freelancing and telecommuting is increasingly prominent in developed economies across the globe (an estimated 33% of U.S. […]
Experts Warn That Recent Recoveries are Deceptive
Recent weeks have marked a fragile recovery for many currencies following a long period of depreciation. Forex traders and brokers like OANDA have welcomed such trends, taking advantage of the opportunities presented, yet many experts are now warning that this turnaround may be deceptive. With China still in trouble, and commentators claiming that further pain […]
A Regular Day in the Life
I just got caught up reading a whole series of “a day in the life” posts by homesteaders. It’s winter outside, and I am dreaming of gardening, what can I say? I have been meaning to do another day in the life post, for ages. The last one that I did was for a great […]