Believe it or not, I was planning to write a post here today. Finally, I know it’s been ages. However, today got off to quite an odd start. I don’t even remember what I was planning to write unfortunately. This morning I was woken up by a fire. I didn’t have to work today, so […]
What Is Your Money Personality?
Personality quizzes claim to do everything from finding you the perfect job to helping you choose a compatible spouse. While a really accurate personality quiz takes a long time to develop and to take, it’s always a good idea to do a simple self-assessment to find out how you handle money. There are five basic […]
Getting Over My Mental Block of Being Too Cheap
Lately, I have been thinking a lot about times where cheaping out has caught up to me, or how life would be better if I wasn’t being too cheap. Places where frugal = frustrated. One fantastic example is the computer that I am using to type this post on. I regret this purchase. It turns […]
Change Your Life in 2016. Here’s How
Have you ever tipped less than 10%? I’m not talking about takeout, that’s a different story. I’m talking about a restaurant experience — where you walk in, order something to eat, enjoy endless refills of water and bread, have a lovely time, and leave a few hours later. Of course you haven’t. You’re not a […]
A Regular Day in the Life
I just got caught up reading a whole series of “a day in the life” posts by homesteaders. It’s winter outside, and I am dreaming of gardening, what can I say? I have been meaning to do another day in the life post, for ages. The last one that I did was for a great […]
Supercharge Your Career through a Healthy Lifestyle
With all the stress of work and careers, we often neglect our health as we get older. But it’s time to get back in shape. Time to feel healthy again. The truth is, feeling good about your health can have a big impact on your confidence and how you come across. If you’re feeling good […]
The Silver Linings in My Stressful Work Week
The months of September and October are tough ones for me. They are when I work overtime, a lot, to hit a big deadline at work. It doesn’t seem to matter how long a ramp we give ourselves, it’s always a scramble at the last minute. This year, at six o’clock on deadline day everything […]
Test Your Canadian Voter ID Knowledge
The election is nearly here and the get out the vote contingent is doing their best. We’re curious how well Canadians (and others) know the Voter ID requirements. You can, in fact, vote while wearing a pumpkin on your head. A fellow in Ottawa does it routinely, and it is perfectly legal. Can you vote […]
The Cost of Buying Wants not Needs
When was the last time you logged into your visa account and did a happy dance at how low it was? I’m not talking about paying off credit card debt here, though I can definitely see some happy dances arising from that. I mean an occasion where your month is mostly gone and you are […]
Houses are 353% More Affordable in Halifax than Vancouver
I’m sure that I’ve mentioned it before, but I commute to and from work with a group of people. Lots of chats happen on the van, like the one where we were dreaming of winning the lottery, which was followed by how people lost permanent teeth while playing hockey and being teenagers. Some conversations are […]