Oh, you want to read last month’s first? Here’s all of the blog earnings posts.
Boarding Announcements
Money Propeller is my second blog, Unique Gifter is my first. My goal with it is to straight up make some money, while sharing what I believe is valuable information on all things money. With the goal of earning money, I am attempting to be (somewhat) strategic with how I go about this. Online projects are my main side hustle; if that’s not your thing, there are some other ideas for you here.
The plan is to be totally transparent about everything and to let you know what is and is not working for me, so you can follow me down the path or avoid the mistakes that leave me in a burning pile of wreckage.
Please leave a comment and let me know what you think of these posts, or if you have any questions you would like me to answer, or stats you feel I should include.
This post contains affiliate links.
The Strategy
Money Propeller is an experiment in “Spend money to make money.” And I am a-spending! When I decided to launch this domain name (I have a collection, like most online hustlers), my rule for pre-launch was that I needed to have 52 posts written and scheduled. That represents six months of posting twice per week, so that I can focus on promoting the posts and developing other aspects of the blog, like the newsletter. That time has come and gone and I am in the process of scheduling out to approximately June at the moment, but now I am at a point where I have to write a lot again.
On Money Propeller I also wanted to have a bunch of different voices and perspectives, right from the beginning. Believe it or not, I don’t know everything! Other people know about topics that I don’t, like fashion, and insights into education. You can read about our authors here, and there are even more in the pipeline. Do you want to tell your story? Give us a shout and come be our guest.
The Earnings and Stats for March
March had some good things happen.
Domain Authority and Page Authority remain unchanged since September, but the MozRank increased to 5.10, from 5.08 last month.
There were 5,029 page views in March, which is 162 per day, on average. It also means it’s the best month yet for pageviews! In January and February, the site averaged 140 views per day, so March represents 8.6% growth. I was hoping for 10%, but things are moving in the right direction. 10% growth for April would be 178 views per day. Let’s see what we can do on that front!
The plan for February was to focus on social media following – you should follow me on twitter @moneypropeller and on Pinterest! Also check out the Pinterest People to Follow Round Up post, to follow a bunch of awesome Personal Finance bloggers. After February’s focus, I basically completely backed off and there hasn’t been a ton of growth on those fronts. Ah well.
I backed off from a lot of things, in fact, and went on vacation to Mexico, which was fantastic. I was 100%, completely without internet for 7 days, and only had my phone for two additional days. I loved it. I highly recommend it.
Unfortunately, when I got back, I still didn’t feel like spending very much time online, so I didn’t. I did come up with more post ideas, so hopefully I can execute on some of them. I love it when things come together, like my post on How to Spend an Obscene Amount on Groceries. That one flew together!
In March, I started working with Gretchen, from Retired by 40, on my Pinterest accounts. She literally wrote the (a?) book on Pinterest: Generate Traffic with Pinterest: Your Ultimate Guide to Using Pinterest as a Personal Finance, Money, or Frugality Blogger.
Followers are continuing to increase and traffic from Pinterest is growing. Followers grew 29% for the second month in a row. It won’t take long to crack 1000 followers at this rate! Bring on 5000!
Definitely consider picking up Gretchen’s book, Generate Traffic with Pinterest: Your Ultimate Guide to Using Pinterest as a Personal Finance, Money, or Frugality Blogger.
I’ve been using Board Booster and it is fantastic. It’s a Pinterest scheduling tool, so you can go in and pin a million things without overloading your followers, plus it does this thing called looping. Looping repins things from your board, so that they get in front of new faces, and deletes the old pin so that there aren’t multiples on the board. It’s pretty swell. The schedule tool is also awesome. There is even a 100 pin free trial. I got hooked after that!
(PS: If you are a blogger and want a nice way to track your stats, For Profit Blogging has a free Blog Tracker available.)
The Dollars
This is the part that you all actually care about, I know. Here goes:
Not great. After a few awesome months, the blog is on a losing streak. It’s not massively negative, but it’s still definitely negative.
The expenses are the red bars and the revenues are the blue bars, and they are both positive values, so that it is easy to see their size in relation to each other.
Revenues are coming in, for sure, but the expenses are consuming them all!
March Revenue
$11.03 – CPC and CPM Advertising
$5.00 – Amazon Affiliate Earnings
$219.84 – Direct Advertising
$0 – Airbnb – A great way to travel, read about it here
$0 – Tangerine – Use my Orange Key 23676924S1 to get a $25 bonus when opening an account
$0 – Digit – Use this app to help you save money by rounding up your transactions and saving the difference.
$0 – Vayable – Travel with personalized tour guides who are locals
$0 – Gazelle – Trade in your old electronics for cash, or buy refurbished ones for great prices.
$0 – PicMonkey – Add text to your pictures, for free!
$0 – Genesis Framework – An awesome, customizable platform for websites
$0 – Big Scoots – Web hosting that rocks
$0 – Dropbox – Free document storage and sharing, in the cloud
$0 – Rover – Pet sitting, a side hustle or an affordable way to get your pets looked after
$0 – Board Booster – 100 pin free trial – a way to repin your pins and schedule pins precisely
$0 – ViralWoot – Another free pin scheduler, and way to promote your pins
$235.87 Total (Net of Paypal fees)
There is an assortment of affiliate links live on the site (PicMonkey, Amazon), and they are slowly starting to trickle in funds. Until the stats are higher, I expect revenues to be rather low, but here’s to the trickles turning into a flood.
I also highly recommend that you check out the eBook I cowrote with Kathleen, on creating a brand and getting a blog up and running quickly and efficiently (and no, it doesn’t involve spending this much money on your site!):
(Feel free to sign up as an affiliate, as well. You get half of the sales price!)
March Expenses
$320.05 – Writers and VA Time
$ 320.05 Total
I was finally able to pay almost all of the writer’s I owed this month. *cough*cough* You know who you are! They wanted to finish a big project before getting paid and life kept getting in the way. I am glad that’s all squared away now.
For simplicity’s sake, all of the VA costs are charged to MP, but she does work on other sites of mine as well. In March, most of her time was spent working on things for Unique Gifter, again, but her time is still charged here. If you’re curious about what she does, I’ve covered some things here.
March Net Earnings
March works out to a loss of $84.18. Definitely not where I want things to be, but I’m still trucking. I’m glad that some of the outstanding liabilities are now gone.
It’s still kind of like a yo-yo, but one in the hands of a toddler… I’m more interested in a V!
So I am still quite a long way from zero, but more or less breaking even and getting work done in other places. I’m still a long way from my goal, though!
Lifetime Earnings
Well darn. C’mon March!
Don’t forget, everyone: it is absolutely possible to start a blog without spending this much! I am funding this with past earnings from my other site.
In order to drive that point home, I wanted to do a bit of an experiment. Of course, there are a lot of caveats with this experiment, mostly that a lot of time is spent by other people on the site, and in order to have the same level of success I would have had to make up the difference in hours. While theoretically possible, I really wouldn’t have done it. With that out of the way, let’s take a look at how much money Money Propeller would have earned me if I didn’t have a VA and I didn’t have staff writers:
That blip in August is the Grocery Giveaway that I ran in conjunction with other bloggers. They contributed to the prize and I did as well. The rest of the remaining expenses are things like premium plugin purchases, services and domain names.
Overall, here’s how it looks:
Without all of the VA and writer expenses, Money Propeller would have earned $1,049.75 thus far. The site went live in July, so on average, that is $116.64 per month. That’s a far cry from raking it in and good golly is it an absolutely awful hourly rate!
However, it’s on an upward trend and we’re in this for the long haul. There is a $3,000 difference between the current -$2000 position and the hypothetical +$1,000 position. I’m contributing to the incomes of others, or something.
Next Steps
The big announcement has come, and On Your Mark, Get Set, Blog! is here. This is your guide to setting up a new website and brand, quickly and efficiently, by laying out all of the information that you will need and and all of the steps in the right order. Faster blogging. For everyone. An entire chapter is available for free download!
I’ve still got a bunch of work to do on the niche site that I bought on a whim, CoonHuntingClub.com (yes, you can laugh, I do).
Plus, because I have boatloads of time on my hands (okay, I have a lot of time that I don’t effectively use, this is very, very true. I am lazy sometimes), I am now the co-owner of a coupons and deals site. The details aren’t 100% worked out yet, but hopefully I can share that next month.
Things that I *did* Do in March
I wrote this section in February, because I felt like I didn’t get much done. In March… I went to Mexico. I also wrote a massive post for Unique Gifter, with copious amounts of assistance from my VA. (Seriously, it would take me MONTHS to do without her!)
I still have a million and one outstanding projects for this site, here are some examples: new header, side bar buttons (I made two in March!), update old images, finish and schedule the 75% written posts, do more things on the book launch front, set up adsense custom channels, add words to the multitude of spreadsheet based posts I’ve started, and on and on and on!
I’m pretty stoked about some of the spreadsheet based posts that are coming up. I recently saved my working file for one as “college students are screwed.” 🙂 <– That’s from February, but those posts are still living in my computer, not on the website!
Useful Tidbits
There are some really useful Facebook groups for bloggers out there, though it is important to find ones that are a good fit for you. Just start searching on Facebook, join some, read some posts and then decide if you will stick around or not. Some are very positive and supportive, while others might have good technical information but can be a bit harsh.
Reach out and network! I try to email another blogger at least once a week. It’s not a hard and fast rule and thankfully opportunities present themselves often. This is how we network, folks! Drop someone a line to tell them a post really resonated with you, to offer a tip or observation, or to thank them for a shout out or link. Those are just a few ideas, there are really a million and one ways to reach out!
Thanks for reading, we hope you enjoyed your flight! I really do appreciate you taking the time to read all of this, and I especially hope that it is helping you to learn from my wins and major losses! It is all of you fine folks who got me started on this blogging adventure in the first place, and it really won’t go anywhere at all without you.
If you have any suggestions, again, I would love to hear from you with a quick email or comment.
Here’s all of the blog earnings and stats posts, if you want to read more.
Tim L. Martin says
Hi Anne,
Why do you use Amazon and get (only) 4% commission? Yes, they convert well, but at the same time you can use eJunkie or Clickbank to get 75% commission..or even more?
Now, I have 2 sites running. They have the same products running. One Amazon, one Clickbank. Now guess which one brings in more money?
You’re right. Clickbank. ($113 vs. $1096 in March 2015)
If you’re confused by all this (well, it took me long enough to figure out all the details) you may want to check out Affilorama.
Again Amazon is great but there are better alternatives and you don’t want to waste your time, don’t you?
Anne says
Hi Tim – thanks for your comment 🙂
I use Amazon for several reasons. The biggest one being that people frequently use Amazon and trust them as a vendor, so as you’ve said, Amazon converts well. I also do not have the time to apply to multiple affiliate programs and then look up the relevant links across many platforms. As you can see, I do add more programs each month, and it gets unwieldy pretty quickly on me.
I have several sites, so I well-clear the 4% payout rate on Amazon each month 🙂
I will definitely take a look at Clickbank, thanks for the suggestion!
Michelle says
I thought that was Alexa’s old blog!! I really enjoy these posts.
Michelle recently posted…Today I Talk About Social Media and Businesses
Anne says
Glad you like them! It was hers, indeed 🙂
Anne recently posted…My Car Tune Up Frugal Fail
DC @ Young Adult Money says
I feel compelled to say this again, Anne: this is my absolute favorite monthly blog earnings post! I HIGHLY dislike all the other ones I’ve seen and this is the only one I’ve seen that is useful. I appreciate your transparency and this is really motivating me as I start doing the initial work of getting a second website launched. It also makes me *less scared* to actually invest a a couple grand (or more) into getting my second site off the ground. Thanks for sharing and I hope you continue to do these monthly updates!
Oh and I loved this: “I was 100%, completely without internet for 7 days, and only had my phone for two additional days. I loved it. I highly recommend it.” I did this when I went on a cruise about 9 months after I started my blog. Nothing quite like a blogger disconnecting.
DC @ Young Adult Money recently posted…3 Moves to Make Before Considering a Personal Loan
Anne says
Wow, thank you SO MUCH! The Pinch of Yum income reports are amazing, if you’ve had a chance to take a look at them before? http://pinchofyum.com/category/making-money-from-a-food-blog
I had originally planned to launch two sites and race them against each other, to figure out if the investment was worthwhile… but I found the investment made me put more time into this site and the other one doesn’t exist as a result!
I keep wanting to add more and more learnings into these posts, but have to cut myself off. If there’s anything specific you want to hear about going about things this way, let me know!
Dan @ Our Big Fat Wallet says
It’s cool to see the website grow over time and I’m sure the earnings will get bigger as the viewership grows. I bet the experience from Unique Gifter comes in handy when it comes to the tech side of things
Dan @ Our Big Fat Wallet recently posted…How a TFSA Limit Increase Affects Our Finances
Anne says
Oh definitely! The worst thing about blogging is that there is ALWAYS more to do, that you can never get to, so I *know* what I need to be doing, but actually doing it is the hard part.
Anne recently posted…My Car Tune Up Frugal Fail
kay ~ lifestylevoices.com says
Great rundown, Anne, but when do you ever sleep? 🙂
kay ~ lifestylevoices.com recently posted…Want To Peek Inside Our Budget? 🙂
Anne says
Haha, I still manage to sleep and eat and drink! I also watch too much TV… I am horribly inefficient at blogging!
Anne recently posted…My Car Tune Up Frugal Fail
Gen Y Finance Guy says
Great rundown of what you have going on. You are definitely making some investments, but if growth stays on trajectory, you should be in the black in no time.
As you saw, I just posted a blog post detailing my first 6 months.
Although I wrote that almost a month ago now, I have since made it into the black myself. It will be fun to compare notes overtime as we grow our blogs together. As you take the investment approach and I take the bootstrap approach.
Networking is huge. I learn a lot from others in the community.
Sometime in the next couple months I plan to add a monthly or quarterly blog update as well.
Thanks for sharing.
Gen Y Finance Guy recently posted…The First 6 Months of Blogging – By The Numbers
Anne says
I quite enjoyed your post, too. I’m looking forward to the future posts, too. Things are looking up for April. It’s a long, slow slog, especially when juggling a lot of projects.
Anne recently posted…My Car Tune Up Frugal Fail
EL @ Moneywatch101 says
IT seems like you are doing the right things, and if the blogs page views tick up the income will as well. Keep up the great work, and hopefully things will improve towards the profit side.
EL @ Moneywatch101 recently posted…Reasons you need an Emergency Fund
Anne says
Thanks! There’s always a million and one things to be working on, unfortunately.
Adrian says
I blog about finance among other things and I would be delighted to come and guest post for you. I’m also going to find you on Pinterest and invite you to my Show Me the Money group board for finance bloggers. You have a lot of great material on your blog.
Emily @ Simple Cheap Mom says
I love seeing how your spend money to make money experiment is going. Your profits without others aren’t huge, but for such a young site are inspirational. Thanks for posting these updates!
Emily @ Simple Cheap Mom recently posted…Is Family Worth $400,000?
Anne says
Awe, thanks Emily! No, I honestly was expecting the profits to be higher when I took out the costs of everyone else, but oh well. They are on an upward trend now, definitively, so hopefully that momentum continues. I would LOVE to get to a point where that’s the revenue every single month!
Anne recently posted…An Interesting Exercise – Blog Earnings and Stats for March
MyMoneyDesign says
Was that Alexa’s Coon Hunter’s niche site you purchased? If so its a small world.
I really enjoy seeing income reports and updates on what people plan to do with their sites. But I can’t help but feel like this one is all over the place. What is the central plan for making money with this site? It seems like you’re trying a lot of different things and hoping one of them will stick. If social media is your focus, have you considered doing less posting and investing the VA funds into a really solid social media manager? I do not mean to sound critical and only want to help. You can email me if you prefer to talk in private.
MyMoneyDesign recently posted…How a Good Asset Allocation Model Can Impact Your Financial Future
Anne says
Haha, indeed that is the site! Unfortunately I haven’t really had much time to put into growing it lately. It’s just hanging out, praying that the organic traffic continues to grow. I even have some posts that I had written, that still need to be published and linked in to the rest of the site.
The central plan here is diverse affiliate income and direct advertising. I try to focus on one thing per month, as there are SO MANY different things I could be doing. I’m at a point now where I can’t live without the VA, haha. (Thanks Marie!) Working with Gretchen on the Pinterest stuff has been fantastic, as between her and my VA, that front is growing nicely. (Gretchen is available for hire, shameless plug for her.)
Thanks so much for asking the questions, I really appreciate it 🙂 Feel free to email/comment with more thoughts, if you have them.
Anne recently posted…An Interesting Exercise – Blog Earnings and Stats for March