We all know that weddings are expensive and therefore couples are always looking for ways to cut costs. There are the common ways to save, such as limiting the guest list, picking a date off-season and not on a Saturday, doing as much of it yourself, etc. But there are also weird ways to save […]
7 Luxuries I’d Have to Give Up if Things Went South
I live a pretty darn privileged life, in both senses of the word. Let’s focus on the financial privilege for a moment, shall we? The Frugalwoods wrote an excellent piece about privilege, if you have a few minutes to go read. I’m not sure about you, but my spending habits have changed as I’ve aged. […]
3 Shocking Wedding Budget Line Items
When you’re getting married, there are a ton of items to make sure you have on your budget spreadsheet. The Dress, tuxes, cake, decorations, flowers, invitations, postage…the list could literally go on for an entire post. When I got married this time around, there were a few things that took me off guard. I’m happy […]
How to Cut Costs and Still Have Your Dream Wedding
If throwing a Guerrilla Wedding isn’t your thing, read on! Ahh, a wedding- that most special of days when all that matters is the love that is shared between 2 people. Of course, getting to that point means going through months of extensive planning and spending. Wedding costs can quickly get out of control, and […]
Save Money with a Guerrilla Wedding Ceremony
Let me tell you a secret when it comes to weddings: You can get married anywhere you want to (at least in North America). All you need is your partner, a marriage licence, a witness and an ordained officiant. That’s it. You don’t need the fancy dress, flowers or chair covers. You also don’t need […]
Save Money with a Morning Wedding
Morning weddings are becoming more and more popular these days. It was, after all, suitable for a Royal Wedding. (The ceremony for Prince William and Princess Kate commenced at 11am on April 29, 2011.) While the Royal Wedding wasn’t cheap by any means, costing over $33.5 million USD, most people opt for morning weddings as […]
How to Get (Mostly) Money instead of Gifts when you are Getting Married
Engagement season is upon us! You may even be the one getting married this year, in which case, congratulations! Let’s say you don’t really need anything and would really rather prefer it if someone gave you cash as a gift to use to pay down the wedding or for the honeymoon, but are a bit […]
Ways to Have a Cheap(er) Wedding
Welcome! If you are new here, we have great resources on rocking your career, lots of tips on saving money, and you can head over to our sister site for further thoughts on saving money on wedding related things. Thanks for stopping by! The average cost of a wedding these days is around the $30,000 mark. […]