Auto insurance isn’t entirely the same from state to state. While the basic idea of coverage is continuous, every state demands something a little different. The important thing to know is which states have the highest and lowest rates so you can be aware of what an average car insurance premium should be. Michigan As […]
5 Simple Money-Saving Tips That Won’t Impact Your Lifestyle
One of the biggest arguments I hear about frugality is that it often requires considerable lifestyle changes. It means you can’t go eating out all the time, or taking that vacation you long for, or upgrading your phone. In a way this is a fair point; saving money generally does involve some considerable lifestyle changes; […]
5 Ways I Get Myself Out the Door Quickly in the Morning
Every single day we spend time getting ourselves ready and prepared to head out into the world, everything from grabbing our keys to getting dressed, to putting on shoes and winter gear. Time management is important for so many reasons and let’s be real here, in the morning it’s mostly to enjoy more sleep. I […]
Change Your Life in 2016. Here’s How
Have you ever tipped less than 10%? I’m not talking about takeout, that’s a different story. I’m talking about a restaurant experience — where you walk in, order something to eat, enjoy endless refills of water and bread, have a lovely time, and leave a few hours later. Of course you haven’t. You’re not a […]
A Regular Day in the Life
I just got caught up reading a whole series of “a day in the life” posts by homesteaders. It’s winter outside, and I am dreaming of gardening, what can I say? I have been meaning to do another day in the life post, for ages. The last one that I did was for a great […]
Test Your Canadian Voter ID Knowledge
The election is nearly here and the get out the vote contingent is doing their best. We’re curious how well Canadians (and others) know the Voter ID requirements. You can, in fact, vote while wearing a pumpkin on your head. A fellow in Ottawa does it routinely, and it is perfectly legal. Can you vote […]
Weird Ways to Save Money on Your Wedding
We all know that weddings are expensive and therefore couples are always looking for ways to cut costs. There are the common ways to save, such as limiting the guest list, picking a date off-season and not on a Saturday, doing as much of it yourself, etc. But there are also weird ways to save […]
Houses are 353% More Affordable in Halifax than Vancouver
I’m sure that I’ve mentioned it before, but I commute to and from work with a group of people. Lots of chats happen on the van, like the one where we were dreaming of winning the lottery, which was followed by how people lost permanent teeth while playing hockey and being teenagers. Some conversations are […]
7 Luxuries I’d Have to Give Up if Things Went South
I live a pretty darn privileged life, in both senses of the word. Let’s focus on the financial privilege for a moment, shall we? The Frugalwoods wrote an excellent piece about privilege, if you have a few minutes to go read. I’m not sure about you, but my spending habits have changed as I’ve aged. […]
What I Learned About City Life Financials While Traveling
Oh, hi there long lost internet friends. Isn’t summer glorious? I have been very much unplugged. In fact, I just spent two and a half weeks on vacation. That said, I came back to a crisis situation at work, which has made life interesting. Unfortunately, my spouse is going through an unrelated, but also extremely […]