Growing up my parents were big fans of Dave Ramsey and his philosophy of getting out debt as quick as possible. When I graduated college and started making my student loan payments that philosophy stuck with me and I tried to make extra $50-$100 a month payments, which severely cut into my pizza and beer […]
Jet Set Your Life
Saving Money With Gym Memberships
Image Credit We are blessed to be born in the age where everything is within easy access to us. Technology has helped us come closer to each other and everything that we require on our day to day lives. Likewise, the immense number of gyms sprouting up in every nook and cranny has let us […]
How to Take Your Savings to the Next Level
This is a guest post from Pauline of We all have dreams and goals in life. They may be different, but most of them require money. Yes, even that little off-grid house you want to build in the woods. Buying a home, sending your kids to college, or retiring early enough to still enjoy […]
Who Pays More for Car Insurance: The Soccer Mom or Retired Dentist?
Ever wondered why your friends have lower (or higher) auto insurance premiums than you do? Well, there are a lot of variables that go into it. When determining your car insurance rates, companies look at a range of different factors, from gender to employment status. Based on where you fall under each of the categories, […]