All about how my life got flip turned upside down… oh wait.
Money Propeller is a site where we talk about money.
Yes, that was pretty obvious.
Money is a tool that lets us do, or not do, a great number of things in life. Just like alcohol, drugs, body image or members of the opposite sex, money is something with which we have a “different” relationship. Society is constantly bombarding us with different ways to spend our money, different ways for us to languish in debt and chastising us for not spending our money on different things. Money is merely a tool, the gasoline for your engine, if you will.
Let’s use it to get to where we want to be – jet setting toward our own goals.
Money Propeller is about taking your money and channeling it towards your goals – propelling you toward your goals!
We talk about savings, investments, career skills, travel, observations on all things economics, minimalism, buying lots of stuff, and whatever else we feel like!
The site was founded by Anne, you can read more about her on our Authors page, along with the rest of our amazing authors. Anne has wanted to dabble in the internet world of Personal Finance, or PF, for a rather long time. It took her awhile to figure out what she wanted to say, but now she has some ideas. She very much hopes you like them.
The domain name was kind of a fluke, thanks to Andrea at Nuts and Bolts Media helping out one night when Anne was in a domain name buying mood. If you have been blogging for a little while, you will understand the compulsion to buy domain names. After months and months of doing absolutely nothing with it, Kathleen of Frugal Portland and For Profit Blogging fame kicked Anne’s butt in gear. A plan was hatched. WordPress was installed, themes were demoed and whatnot, and Bob’s your uncle (Anne literally has an Uncle Bob), there you have it.
Is there something you would like to see discussed here on Money Propeller? Pop us an email and we’ll see what we can do! [email moneypropeller (at) gmail (dot) com]