Auto insurance isn’t entirely the same from state to state. While the basic idea of coverage is continuous, every state demands something a little different. The important thing to know is which states have the highest and lowest rates so you can be aware of what an average car insurance premium should be. Michigan As […]
Your Friend is Why Your Car Insurance Costs So Much
Hey there. Did you know that it’s Car Care Month? Cars cost a lot of money, and the personal finance blogosphere has a whole lot to say on the subject of cars, that’s for sure. Let’s ignore the cost of cars, themselves, okay? Do you know anyone that makes you pause, just for a moment, […]
How Much Does Life Insurance Cost?
There are several types of life insurance available the main ones being term life, whole life, and universal life insurance. The costs of each vary depending upon the individual, the product, and the amount of coverage you choose. Everyone’s situation is unique so a policy that works for some may not be the best choice […]