If you plan to enter college soon, then you are probably on the lookout for ways to fund your education. Your first thought may be about student loans. While student loans are helpful, they place you in deep debt when you graduate. If you want to skip the debt, then you should start thinking about […]
3 Reasons College is Worth the Price
Can you think of any single purchase more expensive than four years at a college or university? And with so many world economies struggling the way that they have over the past couple of decades, the question as to whether or not college is worth the price of tuition must be answered. Some people believe […]
2 Secret Ways to Be Frugal as a College Student
College is expensive. Not only the tuition, but life as a college student. Though it can seem that the time that a student is in college is simply an expensive time when there is not much that a student can do to save money, that is not true! Here are two easy ways that a […]
How to Decide on a College Degree
Making the decision to go to college is not an easy or inexpensive one, and regardless of whether or not it is being paid for with scholarships, hard earned savings from your parents or student loans, choosing the right degree to set you up for success is often something that is overlooked by budding […]
3 Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me About Money Before College
There is not a lot that I regret in my life, but not knowing about my money sooner is one of them; had I started at a younger age (perhaps in high school!) I would have definitely been better off and smarter than having to figure it out on my own once I graduated with […]