Happy Friday everyone!
It feels a lot like summer vacation mode around work these days for me. Does it feel the same way for you? We also have several people who are retiring in the next few weeks, so they are coasting and wrapping up all their work, too. I am pretty stoked to be going on vacation myself, shortly. Do you have any awesome summer plans?
I started this morning off by wrecking the code for UniqueGifter.com, oops. Justin, at BigScoots totally saved my bacon, within an hour. If you need webhosting, I HIGHLY recommend them. They’ve been amazing to have.
Things We Wrote Recently
101 Actions That’ll NEVER Make You Rich
May Blog Earnings and Stats – The Best Month Yet!
Things We Liked Around the Web
I found gendermom fascinating and it got me thinking about a lot of aspects of society.
5 Ways to Be Remarkable – Even If You Don’t Shower Before Noon
Linda Paid Off Her Mortgage, despite a bunch of challenges!
Your Turn: Friday #JetFuel Link Up

haha, i have gone through ‘Three Reasons Being Rich Sucks’ and I think these are things that i could deal with if i was rich. Thank you ‘101 Actions That’ll NEVER Make You Rich’ very informative.
Chella recently posted…Things To Know About Inflation
I am NOT a good flyer, but these little rides on your site are so relaxing. Thanks for the weekly trips! 🙂
kay ~ the barefoot minimalist recently posted…“Ode To Todd” and/or “My Minimalist House”
You are adorable Kay!
I feel lucky to have read the 101 actions that’ll never make you rich. Although it’s too many to know all these, having read this makes me at least aware of and gives me more advantage to become financially ready and rich. Thanks Anne.
Jayson @ Monster Piggy Bank recently posted…Doing Proper Car Comparisons
Thanks for sharing the link about Linda paying off her mortgage. This only proves that you don’t have to be rich to be mortgage free. Very inspiring story.
Petrish @ Debt Free Martini recently posted…5 Top Must Have Financial Habits