Welcome to the Friday Jet Fuel post on Money Propeller! Things are always happening in internet land and this is your chance to discover even more. To ensure that you’re coming along for the ride with Money Propeller, sign up for our monthly newsletter, that features a recap of our highlights for the month.
A Random Fact about Aviation
British Airways lost the luggage of an average 9 passengers on every jumbo jet flight in the first half of 2008, according to a study by the Association of European Airlines.
Brought to you by Confessions of a Trolley Dolly
Go out to Alicia from Financial Diffraction , Steve from Steveonomics and J. Money from Budgets Are Sexy.
You see, I signed up to do a course. And the first task, was, well, extremely fascinating from a psychological perspective.
You have to ask someone for a dollar.
The tricky part is figuring out WHO you feel comfortable enough to boldly go up to (virtually, in my case) and ask for a dollar.
These lovely folks responded to my desperate pleas on twitter. I owe them one, or several even!
What We Talked About This Week
Monday I share on how to Use this Unconventional Idea to Speed Up Your Housework
Tuesday we interviewed Frank in the Jet Setters Series.
Wednesday Michelle gave tips on Cheap Travel Is Possible-Here’s How You Do It!
Thursday we covered some amazing side hustle opportunities.
Shout Outs on the Internet
Thanks to How to Save Money for the link last week!
A Pretty Thing on Amazon
What good is money if we can’t do anything with it? Here’s something pretty that you could buy with your money. This is an electric martini shaker. It is as useless as it sounds.
Waring Pro Professional Electric Martini Maker, Black/Chrome
My spouse bought me one of these, when a store was going out of business, for Christmas a few years ago. We no longer own it, for fairly obvious reasons.
Your Turn: Linky Party!
What is a Linky Party? It’s a tool that lets you link up your posts, and check out other people’s posts. Friday #Jetfuel features a linky party that is open (accepting links) for one week, Friday to Friday, each week. Make sure to come back and link up each week!
This is basically a no-rules linky! Posts generally have to be related to money. The end.
(I do reserve the right to remove stuff, at my discretion.) If you do link up, we would appreciate a link back to us, so that more people can find the linky and discover all of the great information that is out there. Also, go check out other people’s links and comments. No one wins if no one gets clicks!
How to Link Up Click on the “Click here to enter” below. It will ask you for a URL that goes directly to the post (http://moneypropeller.com/love-mini-fridge/ NOT http://moneypropeller.com), the title you want to use, an email address, and a photo. It gives you the option to select one of the pictures that is already on the post (and then crop it to 160×160), upload an image, or use a placeholder image.
That’s it! All you really need to do is copy and paste your URL in, and type a few things.
Once you’ve entered, please visit a few of the other links and comment on some posts!
Want more traffic? Share the news:
After entering, you will get an email next week, when the next #jetfuel is live and ready for links. More traffic for everyone, yay!
Alicia says
Thanks for the shout-out – I’m intrigued by how this business boot camp progresses 🙂
Alicia recently posted…Back to Basics: Track Your Spending
Anne says
Thank YOU. I’ll fill you in on one of the other asks on twitter!