Somewhere, on the internet, I stumbled upon a new website, called Vayable.
I am in love with it, internet.
And you should be, too.
What is Vayable?
By now I am sure you are well aware of my infatuation with Airbnb. It is quite well documented.
Vayable is kind of like that, but different. It is a platform for playing tour guide, more or less. You can sign up to offer experiences, based on your local expertise.
Even better, as a traveler, newcomer to the area, or just someone who wants to get out and explore and have a new experience in their area, you have a whole smorgasbord of activities to pick from!
So let’s say that I was planning a trip to Portland (which I did late this summer… and then was not able to go). I would go to, type in Portland, OR and then I would see this:
I could choose from all sorts of different experiences that I could have in Portland. The wine tour looks mighty fine, to me.
Who is Bob?
When you pick an experience through Vayable, you are also picking a person, not just a tour company. Like with Airbnb, everyone on the site has a profile, including a picture and a little bit about themselves.
Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
After you enjoy (or don’t, I suppose) an experience on Vayable, you have an opportunity to review the experience and give it a star rating. This helps the tour guide improve their offering and helps other travelers pick the best experiences for themselves.
What Makes it So Awesome?
Vayable makes use of the best experts out there – people who live places and have a passion for what they are offering. Loves of architecture can offer you a walking tour of downtown Rome. Cocktail connoisseurs can whisk you off to see the best mixologists in London. Brent can take you sailing on his ketch in Victoria.
Free Money for You!
The fine folks at Vayable have created a referral program! If you click on any of the links to Vayable in this post, and sign up, you will get a $10 Free Credit for Vayable, which will be applied to the first thing you book there. Oh, and I will get a credit, too. How is that for awesome?!
Even More Money for You!
Next week, we’ll cover ways to side hustle with Vayable and make some money!
Have you ever heard of Vayable before?
Dan @ Our Big Fat Wallet says
Interesting, Ive never heard of Vayable but I’ll have to check it out. thanks for sharing
Dan @ Our Big Fat Wallet recently posted…Why I Don’t Make Donations In Stores
Anne says
It’s pretty sweet!
Anne recently posted…Friday Jet Fuel #18
Kassandra says
I learned something new your post! Vayable seems like a pretty cool concept and a fun way for people to make some extra cash.
Kassandra recently posted…The School Of Failure
Anne says
There’s so much potential with it! I wish I was still working part time, I would be all over it.
Anne recently posted…Friday Jet Fuel #18
Amanda @ My Life, I Guess says
I was going to say “Nope! Never heard of it” but when I clicked the link I realized that yes, I have been there before! Of course, I type in the name of the place I live and there are Zero results. If only this was more a tourist destination, I could totally become a “BOB” and have a little side hustle of my own!
Amanda @ My Life, I Guess recently posted…The Versatile Blogger Award
Anne says
Try adding something! The same thing happens for my town… if I was still working part time, I would be TOTALLY coming up with things to offer.